Smith Bennie Image 1 Norwich City 1921

Smith Bennie Image 1 Norwich City 1921


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Norwich born left back Bennie Smith played for CEYMS (Norwich) before the First World War, and after the War joined hometown professional club Norwich City, for whom he made his Football League debut at Southampton in October 1920 in their inaugural League season. Over the first four post-war League seasons he made 81 appearances before finishing his professional football career in 1924.

NB he is not credited with ever having scored for Norwich on official databases. However Norwich won an FA Cup tie 2-1 at Metrogas in December 1921 in a match played in Devonshire Park (Old Kent Road), London, the scorers are given as Billy Bertam and Billy Austin. One reference book, 101 Quirky Football Facts, however, states that “Benny Smith of Norwich City took a penalty against Athenian League side Metrogas. The Metrogas keeper made a spectacular save with his face. Smith ran in the rebound past the unlucky goalie lying concussed on the ground.” The likelihood is that Smith took the penalty and that either Bertam or Austin ran in the rebound.

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