Stansfield Bertie Image 1 Norwich City Manager 1911

Stansfield Bertie Image 1 Norwich City Manager 1911


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Littleborough, Lancashire born football manager Bertie Stansfield was the fourth manager of Carlisle United, succeeding Jack Houston in 1908. They played in the Lancashire Combination and then from 1909 in the North Eastern League, but at the end of the 1909-10 season Stansfield was appointed manager of Southern League club Norwich City. He took with him players like Jock Mackenzie, who became his club captain as he took charge of 248 matches before the onset of the First World War forced the suspension of peacetime football in May 1915. Stansfield once again became manager of Norwich City in March 1926 in succession to Bert Gosnell, and remained in the post until November the same year, when he was replaced by Cecil Potter.

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